PILOT MOVIE: The Gathering (year 2257)
I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind. It began in the Earth year 2257 with the founding of the last of the Babylon stations located deep in neutral space. | -soft computer voice interupts- here... -soft computer voice stops- It was a port of call for refugees, smugglers, businessmen, diplomats and travelers from a hundred worlds. Could be a dangerous place, but we excepted the risk because Babylon 5 was our last best hope for peace. Under the leadership of it's final commander, Babylon 5 was a dream given form. A dream of a galaxy without war, when species of different worlds could live side by side in mutual respect. A dream that was in danger as never before by the arrival of one man on a mission of distruction. -computer voice interupts- Earth Alliance passenger Pardak cleared for entry... -computer voice stops- Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. This is it's story. --- Narrated by Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari --- Commander Jeffrey Sinclair Lieutenant Commander Laurel Takashima Doctor Benjamin Kyle Chief Security Officer Michael Garibaldi Minbari Ambassador Delenn Narn Ambassador G'Kar Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari Vorlon Ambassador Kosh Naranek P5 Telepath Lyta Alexander Guerra |
SEASON 1: Signs and Portents (year 2258)
It was the dawn of the third age of mankind, ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream given form. It's
goal, to prevent another war by creating a place where huumans and aliens could work out thier differences peacefully. It's a port of call, home away from home, for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wonderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million five
hundred thousand tons of spinning metal - All alone in the night. | It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5. --- Narrated by Commander Jeffrey Sinclair --- Commander Jeffrey Sinclair Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova Chief Security Officer Michael Garibaldi Doctor Stephen Franklin Minbari Ambassador Delenn Minbari Attache Lennier Narn Ambassador G'Kar Narn Attache Na'Toth #1 Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari Centauri Attache Vir Cotto Vorlon Ambassador Kosh Naranek P5 Telepath Talia Winters PsiCop Alfred Bester Mr. Morden Lieutenant (J.G.) David Corwin Alyt Neroon Julia Sakai "Deuce" Desmond Muzyshenko Aldous Gajic Jinxo" Thomas Jordan Security Officer Lou Welch Nelson Drake Draal Psi Cop Harriman Gray Colonel Ari Ben Zayn Knight One Mitchell Dr. Laura Rosen Ambassador Kalika Caliban |
SEASON 2: The Coming of Shadows (year 2259)
The Babylon Project was our last best hope for peace. A self-contained world, five miles long, located in neutral territory. A place of commerce and diplomacy, for a quarter of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space - All alone in the night. | It was the dawn of the third age of mankind. The year the Great War came upon us all. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2259. The name of the place is Babylon 5. --- Narrated by Captain John Sheridan --- Captain John Sheridan Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova Chief Security Officer Michael Garibaldi Doctor Stephen Franklin Minbari Ambassador Delenn Minbari Attache Lennier Narn Ambassador G'Kar Narn Attache Na'Toth #1 Narn Attache Na'Toth #2 Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari Centauri Attache Vir Cotto Vorlon Ambassador Kosh Naranek P5 Telepath Talia Winters PsiCop Alfred Bester Mr. Morden Lieutenant Warren Keffer Mr. Welles Lieutenant(J.G.) David Corwin Security Officer Zack Allen Technomage Elric Alyt Neroon Draal P5 Telepath Lyta Alexander Security Officer Lou Welch Amos Ta'Lon .
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SEASON 3: Point of No Return (year 2260)
The Babylon Project is our last best hope for peace. It failed. In the year of the Shadow War it became something greater, our last best hope for victory. The year is 2260. The place, Babylon 5. | --- Narrated by Commander Suzan Ivanova --- Captain John Sheridan Commander Susan Ivanova Chief Security Officer Michael Garibaldi Doctor Stephen Franklin Minbari Ambassador Delenn Minbari Attache Lennier Narn Ambassador G'Kar Narn Attache Na'Toth #2 Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari Centauri Attache Vir Cotto Vorlon Ambassador Kosh Naranek PsiCop Alfred Bester Mr. Morden Brother Theo Lieutenant Warren Keffer Lieutenant David Corwin Security Officer Zack Allen Alyt Neroon Draal Ranger Marcus Cole P5 Telepath Lyta Alexander Emperor Cartagia Lorien King Arthur Anna Sheridan Jeffrey Sinclair Brother Edward Regent Bodygaurd Ta'Lon Boggs Sniper .
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SEASON 4: No Surrender, No Retreat (year 2261)
It was the year of fire...
--- Lennier --- |
The year of Destruction...
--- Zack --- |
The year we took back what was ours...
--- G'Kar --- |
It was the year of rebirth...
--- Delenn --- |
The year of great sadness...
--- Vir --- |
The year of pain...
--- Marcus --- |
And a year of joy...
--- Lyta --- |
It was a new age...
--- Londo --- |
It was the end of history...
--- Franklin --- |
It was the year everything changed...
--- Ivanova --- |
The year is 2261...
--- Garibaldi --- |
The place...Babylon 5.
--- Sheridan --- | Captain John Sheridan Commander Susan Ivanova Michael Garibaldi Doctor Stephen Franklin Minbari Ambassador Delenn Minbari Attache Lennier Narn Ambassador G'Kar Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari Centauri Attache Vir Cotto Vorlon Ambassador Ulkesh Naranek PsiCop Alfred Bester Mr. Morden Lieutenant David Corwin Chief Security Officer Zack Allen Alyt Neroon Draal Ranger Marcus Cole P5 Telepath Lyta Alexander Emperor Cartagia Wade Captain Jack Lise Hampton Edgars Psi Cop Superior William Edgars
| Number One Dukhat Drakh Regent Earth President Susanna Luchenko ISN Reporter Dan Randall |
SEASON 5: Wheel of Fire (year 2262)
And so it begins.
--- Kosh --- |
There is a hole in your mind.
--- Minbari Assassin --- |
What do you want?
--- John Sheridan --- |
No one here is exactly what he appears.
--- G'Kar --- |
Nothing's the same anymore.
--- Jeffrey Sinclair --- |
Commander Sinclair is being reassigned.
--- General Hague --- |
Why don't you eliminate the entire | Narn Homeworld while you're at it.
--- Londo --- |
I see a great hand reaching | out of the stars.
--- Elric --- |
Who are you?
--- Lorien --- |
President Clark has signed a decree | today declairing marshall law.
--- ISN Reporter --- |
These orders have forced | us to declair indepenence.
--- John Sheridan --- |
Weapons supplies.
--- Bester --- |
I wish they'd get off their encounter | suited butts and do something.
--- John Sheridan --- |
You are the one who was.
--- Zatharis --- |
If you go to Z'Ha'Dum you will die.
--- Kosh --- |
Why are you here? | Do you have anything worth living for?
--- Lorien --- |
I think of my beautiful city in flames.
--- Delenn --- |
Like giants in the playground.
--- John Sheridan --- |
Now get the hell out of our galaxy.
--- John Sheridan --- |
We are here to place | President Clark under arrest.
--- John Sheridan --- | Captain John Sheridan Captain Elizabeth Lochley Michael Garibaldi Doctor Stephen Franklin Minbari Ambassador Delenn Minbari Attache Lennier Narn Ambassador G'Kar Former Narn Attache Na'Toth #1 Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari Centauri Attache Vir Cotto PsiCop Alfred Bester Lieutenant David Corwin Chief Security Officer Zack Allen Prime Minister P5 Telepath Lyta Alexander Byron Morden Ambassador Ta'Lon "Number One" Tessa Holleran .
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DrgnSlyr's Lair / drgnslyr@embarqmail.com / Last Updated January 06, 2006 |